パンデミックそして震災、会えなくなった大切な人。でもそこにある愛を確信して辛さを乗り越えて前に進むのも人間の強さ。次の世代にそれを伝えたい。半世紀を超えて友情を育んできた二人が、人生の残りの時間を費やし次世代に繋げていく魂の「cotorico project」
What is cotorico project?
The pandemic and the earthquake , we can no longer see our loved ones. However, it is the strength of human beings to overcome the pain and move forward with confidence in the love that exists there. We want to pass this on to the next generation. The two people who have nurtured their friendship for more than half a century have spent the rest of their lives working on a soul project called "cotorico project" that should be passed on to the next generation.